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Photo of Ronald Von Theumer

Ronald Von Theumer


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Professional Bio

MSG Ronald Von Theumer was born in Los Angeles, CA and enlisted in the Texas Army National Guard in 1987. He completed 19E AIT at Fort Knox, Kentucky in April 1987. MSG Von Theumer currently serves as a Region I, Team Apache NCOIC in West Texas for the Texas Army National Guard RR CMD, Austin TX.

His military assignments included the Co B 4th BN 114th Armor, Crew Member, Mc Kinney, TX; HHB 1st 111th FA, FA Surveyor, Norfolk, VA; 129th Section Chief Surveyor, 29th ID, Sandston VA; 2nd BN 183rd REGT, RTI Instructor, Fort Pickett, VA; HHC (Det. I) 2nd Bn 142nd IN, Senior Scout, Plainview, TX; C Co 2nd Bn 142nd IN, Platoon Sergeant (Operation Noble Eagle), Midland, TX; HHC 2nd Bn 142nd IN, Scout Platoon Sergeant (OIF III), Fort Hood, TX; 1st Bn (CA) 136th REGT, 19D and BNCOC Instructor, Camp Swift, TX; HQ 2nd Bn 142nd IN, Bn S3, 36th ID, Lubbock, TX; RR CMD RSP NCO, Region I, Lubbock, TX; RR CMD 2IC, Region I, Lubbock, TX; RR CMD OCR TTU, Region I, Lubbock, TX; RR CMD 2IC, Region I, Lubbock, TX and now the RR CMD, Region I, Team Apache Team Leader.

MSG Von Theumer’s leadership positions include FA Survey Team Leader, Scout Squad Leader, Scout Platoon Sergeant, Senior 19D RTI Instructor, Bn S3 NCOIC, RR CMD RSP NCO, RR CMD 2IC and Region I, Team Apache Team Leader.

His civilian education consists of an Applied Associates of Science from Thomas Nelson Community College. His military education includes the Primary Leadership Development Course, Basic Leader Course, Battle Focus Training Course, Scout Commander Course, Recruit Sustainment Program Cadre Course, SQI-4 Recruiter Course, 79T Conversion Course, 79T Senior Leader Course, Senior Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education II (SEJPME) and Master Leader Course.

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Arrowhead - TX ARNG
Master Sergeant