Professional Bio
Commissioned FA 1974; 1st BN 80thFA Regt 75-78; WPNS Dept USAFAS 78-80; CDR HHB 75th FA BDE 80-82; Instr/Asst Prof of English, USMA 84-87; Sec General Staff, VII Corps Artillery, 88-89; S-3 and XO 2nd BN 77th FA Regt, 89-90; DFSCOORD 3rd Armored Division OPN DESERT SHIELF/STORM 90-91; Director Dept of Joint and Combined Operations, US Army School of the Americas 91-93; CDR, 4th Battalion, 41st FA Regiment (DS, 3/24 ID(M)) 93-95; US Army TRADOC Sr. Liaison Officer to the United Kingdom 96-99; Director Requirements Integration, DC/S Combat Developments/ARCIC 99-2001. Retired AUG 2001. Contractor supporting TRADOC, Joint Forces Command, US Army Combined Arms Center, and Mission Command Training Program 2001 to present.