Professional Bio
Consultant for Fires Programs, AM General
Tony Puckett was commissioned into the Field Artillery after graduating from the United States Military Academy, West Point, NY in 1980. He commanded Field Artillery units in the US Army from Battery through Corps Artillery, served as an Operations Officer (S3/G3) from Battalion through Corps, and as a Fire Support Officer/Fires Coordinator from Battalion through Corps. His final Army assignment was DCOS Operations (CJ2, CJ3, CJ5, CJ6, AND CJ7) of NATO Rapid Deployable Corps-Italy. Operational deployments include Operations Just Cause, Desert Shield/Storm, UNPROFOR/Bosnia-Provide Promise, UNTAG/Namibia, IFOR Bosnia (2), SFOR Bosnia, OIF 1, OEF 9, New Dawn, and AUFOR Darfur Sudan and S. Sudan. Since retiring from the Army in 2009, he has served as civilian Field Artillery Deputy Commandant, Program Manager (PM) for the Field Artillery Technical and Tactical Assistance Program to the Iraqi Army, directing all Field Artillery officer and MOS training, equipment fielding, and crew through regiment collective training, then as PM Artillery Fire Control, all with Northrop Grumman. For the last four years, he has provided tactical and technical expertise to the Mandus Group and AM General on development of the Hawkeye (105mm SP) and Brutus (155mm SP) Mobile Howitzer Systems.
Auburn Hills, MI 48326-1569
United States

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