Professional Bio
Terry Clark is a Senior Manager for BAE Systems, Inc. in Elgin, OK. Prior to his 36+ year service & retirement, he was the Assistant FA Commandant & Director, DOTD. He began his career as a 13F and served for 5 years in 3/75th Rangers where he participated in Op Just Cause Panama. He is a Distinguished Military Grad from the U. of New Mexico. He is a graduate of FA Basic, a Distinguished Graduate from the U.S.M.C. Amphibious Warfare, Command and General’s Staff Course, and holds a MS in Defense Analysis from The Naval Postgraduate School and a MS in Strategic Studies from the Army War College (Honors). COL Clark served as the Command IG for the Army Cyber and served in Army G8 as the FA Team Chief. COL Clark commanded 3-82 FA, re-flagged to 3-16 FA and deployed to Korea as part of the 1st Rotational Brigade. Prior to Battalion Command, COL Clark as Aide-de-Camp for The Inspector General of the Army. He served a Brigade XO in 10th MTN in Afghanistan - OEF XI; Brigade FSO and BN XO for 4-25 FA in Afghanistan - OEF IX/X; Planner with 10th MTN in Iraq during OIF; DIV A/Fire Support Coordinator and was the HHB Commander, 1 AD, during OIF. COL Clark’s formative years were in 3BCT, 4 ID, at Fort Carson & COLT PL, Paladin PL, BN FSO, and Brigade FSO in 3-29 FA. Also the XO for the Brigade Recon Troop – B/9 CAV. His decorations - Legion of Merit (1 OLC), Bronze Star (2 OLC), Meritorious Service (2 OLC), Army Commendation (3 OLC), Army Achievement (1 OLC), Army Good Conduct, National Defense Service, Afghanistan Campaign Medal, Armed Forces Expeditionary with Arrowhead, Global War On Terrorism, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary, NCO Professional Development Ribbon, Army Service Ribbon, Over Seas Ribbon, Korean Defense Medal, and the NATO Medal. COL Clark’s badges include Ranger, Master Parachutist w/ Combat Jump, Military Freefall, Combat Action and the Army Staff Badge.
Terry and Kellee have three boys – PV2 Jason Clark, Tyler Clark, and CPT Dylan Clark.

BAE Systems, Inc.